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Metal Sunleaves Bench

by Alpine Product ID: BVK118

Metal Sunleaves Bench

Product Features:

  • Garden Decoration
  • 46"L x 25"W x 38"H
  • Made from metal
  • Weighs 26 lbs.
  • 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty

    Availability: In stock

     Ready to Ship




    Your garden might already be filled with such beautiful flowers, but one thing it might be missing is somewhere to lounge about. You can't expect everyone to just sit on the grass, especially early in the morning when morning dew is still present. If you love hanging out in your garden, you need a place to just sit down, relax, have a glass of lemonade and perhaps read a book. The Metal Sunleaves Bench comes in handy at this point. As opposed to your usual wooden benches, this comes with a unique geometrical design that makes it in touch with nature, and therefore perfect for your garden. This bench comes in a black color, allowing it to contrast well with your garden. Don't limit yourself to using this bench outside only. You can use it inside as well - your daughters might even want to have this in their room, thanks to the girly patterns used for the bench.

    Being made of metal, you're guaranteed that this bench will last long despite weighing 26 pounds. If you're going to use it for your garden, you don't have to worry about bad weather keeping it from functioning well. It also comes with a 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty.
